Journal of Education and Science is a collection of scientific articles, both research and non-research about education in general. This journal is published twice a year, in February and August. In addition to publishing articles written by lecturers at the University Tangerang Raya themselves, we also accept article submissions written by lecturers outside the University Tangerang Raya .



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Journal of Information, Technology, Engineering and Science is a collection of scientific articles, both research and non-research about technology in general. This journal is published twice a year, in February and August. In addition to publishing articles written by lecturers at the University Tangerang Raya themselves, we also accept article submissions written by lecturers outside the University Tangerang Raya .



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Journal of economic, bussiness and humanities, both research and non-research about education in general. This journal is published twice a year, in February and August. In addition to publishing articles written by lecturers at the University Tangerang Raya themselves, we also accept article submissions written by lecturers outside the University Tangerang Raya .



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